Friday, June 7, 2013

An Intro If You Will

I wanted to just start blogging about my journey of resetting my life from everything I thought I knew to everything God wants me to know. Our culture and society today have just gone amuck. Crazy is everywhere. It's cooler to be lost than to be saved. Sin is everywhere. God is being taken out of everything. When I gave my life to Christ, I started learning and seeing this world so differently. I could  see with fresh eyes my sins. All my wrong doings. I see now though I was not set apart in that lifestyle. I was no different or more original than anyone else. Yet, that is what our culture teaches and encourages in us; to be different, individual, and set apart. I'm learning to claim Christ and live out His way, is to be set apart. That is being different today. That is being original and an individual in this world. This is the way it has always been since the bible times. The disciples in their time were different as well from the rest of society. They allowed Christ in their hearts and He set them apart. He made them individuals with an individual purpose in life. Our ultimate purpose is....except God, follow his word, love greatly, and make more disciples. Return to the kingdom of heaven. We are not of this world. We are merely part of it. I am resetting my life and my brain. Getting back to the basics. The bible.

Blessings, Tanya